

Welcome to FNS-Cloud

The consortium brings together the necessary competences and expertise to development, test and launch FNS-Cloud Services.

  • Scientists from the agri-food, nutrition, and health domains, ensuring a food systems approach
  • Communication experts with considerable reach globally as well as specialists in education and training for professionals
  • Existing FNS datasets, tools, and software
  • Knowledge from previous EU- and nationally-funded projects, and links with established ESFRI Research Infrastructures
  • ICT and data specialists with experience of cloud methodologies and food systems, big data analysis and modelling

Learn more

FNS-Cloud has develop a cloud solution (FNSCloud) and refined (or developed new) tools and services to exploit food and nutrition security data for a range of purposes. In the future, FNSCloud could be integrated with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). FNSCloud resources are presented under three demonstrators to show user how they might be used to answer research questions.


Non-communicable diseases and a healthy microbiome

Work Package Title No. Lead
Project Coordination WP1

RTDS (AT); Stephen Webb <webb@rtds-group.com>

Preparation of FNS-Cloud WP2

PMT (CH); Karl Presser (Premotec) <karl.presser@premotec.ch>

FNS Data standardisation and Interoperability WP3

JSI (SI); Barbara Korousic Seljak <barbara.korousic@ijs.si>

Use Cases WP4

UCD (IE); Eileen Gibney <eileen.gibney@ucd.ie>

Demonstrators WP5

QIB (UK); Paul Finglas (QIB) <paul.finglas@quadram.ac.uk>

Dissemination, Communication & Community Engagement WP6

EuroFIR (BE); Siân Astley <sa@eurofir.org>

Education, training & support WP7

UWTSD (UK); Annette Fillery-Travis <a.fillery-travis@uwtsd.ac.uk>

Sustainability and Governance WP8

Javier de la Cueva (ES) <javier.delacueva@javierdelacueva.es>

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